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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2020

Good Awesome Sister Bear Christmas Gifts Shirt

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Biden can win the vote but lose the election. Everyone needs to vote to ensure this nightmare of administration Nice They Don’t Know That We Know They Know We Know Shirt Shirt is relegated to the trash heap where they belong The article implies that the other states have minorities by saying they have less than 10% black residents, without saying anything about the rest of their They back that up by implying that California has a very diverse population by citing their minority statistics in Including less than 10% Black residents.Don't like the wording here. It pushes paranoia instead of education. John Oliver had a great. BUY IT:  Good Awesome Sister Bear Christmas Gifts Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: T-shirtbear - Custom - Tshirt

Good Awesome Sister Bear Christmas Gifts Shirt

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That candidate could expect to come up heads 7 times out of 10 flips. Polls cannot tell you who will Nice Southern Attitude Joy To The World Christmas Shirt wi single election (coin-flip) at some point in the future.Drives me crazy when people comment of the polls being wrong about Hillary in 2016. The national polls actually were well within the margin of error for the popular issue is that national polls do not take into consideration the individual states and how the candidates are polling there. Clinton won the popular vote a a good margin but lost because her voting base was concentrated in a few states. This is why is.  BUY IT:  Good Awesome Sister Bear Christmas Gifts Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: T-shirtbear - Custom - Tshirt

Nice I Teach The Cutest Pumpkins In Patch Pre-K Halloween Teacher Shirt

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If you are opposed to Trump you need to take a part in his removal of power.Nice Sloth I Don’t Like Morning People Or Mornings Or People Vintage Shirt And when he loses, you can look back and say you had a part in it. And if he wins, you can say you did what was in your power to stop him. Vote people!People need to do better at understanding what polls are, and what they reveal. Polls don't say Trump is going to win, or that Biden is going to win. They don't predict a winner. What polls do is provide probability odds based on a snapshot in time. If a poll shows a candidate with a 70% lead over their opponent, that means if. BUY IT:  Nice I Teach The Cutest Pumpkins In Patch Pre-K Halloween Teacher Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: T-shirtbear - Custom - Tshirt

Nice Evolution Humans And Trees Shirt

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Is higher considering these factors.She never had it "sewn up".Funny Premium The Official Beets By Dwight Shirt Pundits and pollsters everywhere were pointing out the huge amount of undecideds in 2016 that ended up costing her the election. Biden is in a very different position (over 50% in many key states with 6% undecided) and him losing this lead within a couple of  would be absolutely astounding.This is somewhat misleading, though. Hillary's lead was larger at times, but it was also a lot less consistent (i.e., much more swingy). Furthermore, a lot of pollsters didn't weight their state polls by education the last time around. BUY IT: Nice Evolution Humans And Trees Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: T-shirtbear - Custom - Tshirt

Nice Chicken God Is Good All The Time Shirt

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In poor favor of a significant portion of the active Funny Michael Scott Santa Micke Ugly Christmas Shirt voting population.I watched it too, the problem is with how he is reading the polls. There are significantly less undecided voters now than 2016, and no 3rd candidates to siphon away voters. The undecideds swung heavily for Trump close to the election which skewed the polls in clinton’s favor in the weeks prior. 538 discusses this in depth in one of their podcasts about why we should trust the polls this time around. Also the polls in 2016 severely underrepresented non-college voters something the 2020 polls have theoretically. BUY IT: Nice Chicken God Is Good All The Time Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: T-shirtbear - Custom - Tshirt

Nice Capture I Don’t I Need To Get A Life I’m A Gamer I Have Lots Of Lives Shirt

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Yes it’s true that the race isn’t over, but it’s also Good Cat At Dinner Shirt important to see that currently one party is ahead large margin. That’s not the point of my big text here though, this is dangerous message  spending because political parties have already suggested that they intend not to follow the vote. The polls are important for because if faith in the polls is undermined than the public is more likely to accept a phoney vote.The majority Americans were not already voting in October 2016, they are already voting in 2020. This is not 2016, Trump has the worst odds of an incumbent President since the 19th century. BUY IT: Nice Capture I Don’t I Need To Get A Life I’m A Gamer I Have Lots Of Lives Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: T-shirtbear - Custom - Tshirt

Good When You’re Dead Inside But It’s Christmas Shirt

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 To do in Texas, limiting one mail in ballot Good When You’re Dead Inside But It’s Christmas Shirt box per district. A judge stopped it, but they still tried. want to keep Texas red when it’s on the verge of turning purple. Only way to stop it is don’t let the poor minorities vote.And almost 1.4 million people have already voted in Florida, which is 8% of their registered voters if my math is right (I’m very dumb, so tbh it could very well not be but I’ll link my sources). So far only 23% of votes are from registered Republicans, and we know that some of them are breaking off. Even if independents go to Trump from early voters. BUY IT: Good When You’re Dead Inside But It’s Christmas Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: T-shirtbear - Custom - Tshirt

Good When You’re Dead Inside But It’s Christmas Shirt

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 To do in Texas, limiting one mail in ballot Good When You’re Dead Inside But It’s Christmas Shirt box per district. A judge stopped it, but they still tried. want to keep Texas red when it’s on the verge of turning purple. Only way to stop it is don’t let the poor minorities vote.And almost 1.4 million people have already voted in Florida, which is 8% of their registered voters if my math is right (I’m very dumb, so tbh it could very well not be but I’ll link my sources). So far only 23% of votes are from registered Republicans, and we know that some of them are breaking off. Even if independents go to Trump from early voters. BUY IT: Good When You’re Dead Inside But It’s Christmas Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: T-shirtbear- Custom - Tshirt

Original Cousin Crew Red Plaid Family Matching Christmas Pajamas 2020 Shirt

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Not only that, but this was exactly what we needed to get people interested in politics. As the ripple effects have been felt throughout every part of the country. Nobody could have imagined just a few years ago. How many progressive values would grow to challenge the seemingly endless support base of angry conservatives? Now oddly enough, evengovernment,  with them holding the majority of power in government, it seems like they're the ones fighting to stay alive. Why else would they feel the need to put trump signs on literally every other corner? Well thank you, but wtf am I supposed to do with your energy? I sincerely hope he disappears. BUY IT: Original Cousin Crew Red Plaid Family Matching Christmas Pajamas 2020 Shirt

Funny Devon Rex Ew People Funny Cat Wearing Face Mask Shirt

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What they truly want is something that resembles a Christian version of Iran. An authoritative government runs off of religious doctrine that oppresses any opposition, and they're not going to let it go so easily. They have shown just how much they're willing to destroy just to try. And bring us back to a mid-20th century cold war culture on steroids. With all that being said, though, there is a silver lining. We're at a point now that we couldn't have imagined even just a decade ago. Where people's voices are finally a starting to be heard and is don't feel totally helpless against a gargantuan system that feels rigged against them. BUY IT: Funny Devon Rex Ew People Funny Cat Wearing Face Mask Shirt

Pretty Cowboys For Trump 2020 Shirt

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But the Trump administration is a different animal. He has taken it to a new level by practically breaking the entire system. Not only tilting every possible asset into the hands of the wealthy few. But also tearing away at the veil of democracy that's supposed to be representative of the country by dividing, accusing. And instilling fear and hatred. In doing this, he has exposed his cult following as the oligarchy-theocrats that they've honestly always been but never had the right means to express it. They never truly wanted freedom, they only used it as a front to disguise their biases. I sincerely hope he disappears in a meaningful way. BUY IT: Pretty Cowboys For Trump 2020 Shirt

Perfect David Ayres Ebug Shirt

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I'm not a Biden fan but good God it was nice to see someone tell this guy to shut up. Unfortunately, this won't happen for the better part of the decade. This man has done so much damage to the institutions of this country and the judiciary that we'll be feeling the effects for a long time. Don't get me wrong, I'll be thrilled when his ass is kicked down those steps of the White House, but John Oliver said it best. We lost the generational war. But this is the first battle of the next one. So get fighting. I have a bit of a different outlook. I think, as time will soon show be looked back on as a necessary pivoting point for politics. BUY IT: Perfect David Ayres Ebug Shirt

Awesome Boffo Trump Meme Funny Vintage Shirt

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And who knows very well that SDNY will be going up against his nose the moment he can't do that any longer. Whether in four months or four years. How many times have you been sued? How many court cases have you lost? You're a white-collar criminal trying to shift blame onto blue-collar criminals. Yep. He'll probably register the Trump 2024 campaign the day of the next inauguration. So he can start fleecing donors immediately and pay his ample legal fees upon being indicted post-presidency. Goodness knows he'll need the money. Sometimes I forget that there was a US President named Grover. It's always a pleasant experience to be reminded.  BUY IT: Awesome Boffo Trump Meme Funny Vintage Shirt

Hot Biden Harris 2020 Won Big Blue Wave Landslide Victory Shirt

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Completely agree. Life is hard enough but throws him in the mix and it’s way too much for anyone to have to deal with on a daily basis. He is exhausting, I am so anxious to vote. Except that constitutional crises have a ridiculous amount of judges that will continue encoding into precedent the division of our nation. And the killing of our people long after he's gone. He will never be truly out of our lives until all of the people he appointed are out of our government on. The grounds that he was effectively installed by a hostile foreign government. Big words from a guy who keeps claiming immunity from prosecution point for politics. BUY IT: Hot Biden Harris 2020 Won Big Blue Wave Landslide Victory Shirt

Good 2021 Brighter With Biden Harris Shirt

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It does not just Trump though. Imagine how much better off America (and the world) would be and how much progress could be made if republicans never hold power ever again. The republicans could have ejected Trump at any point in the past 4 years, but they won't. They protected him at every turn. Things are looking so good for Biden right now, that I catch myself actually starting to feel normal for a little while. I generally snap out of it as soon as I realize it, but it's actually really weird to have these blissful normal thoughts every once in a while. Big words from a guy who keeps claiming immunity from prosecution We're at a point. BUY IT: Good 2021 Brighter With Biden Harris Shirt

Nice Bad Things Happen In Life Distressed Design Philadelphia Shirt

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I’m Canadian and barely had to pay attention to American political news for most of Obama’s second term. Obviously, stuff like Ferguson or the Scalia debacle were huge stories here too but I really miss not having to think about your President. I want to echo your sentiment: VOTE. Trump is not just fucking things up for you, he’s doing it to the rest of the world. If you’re an “undecided” voter: what the hell is wrong with you? Your choices are fascism or a guy who is one standard length of President. That’s not a hard choice. If they are there when I go vote, I'll just yell "Go Trump!" on my way in and then vote every once in a while.  BUY IT: Nice Bad Things Happen In Life Distressed Design Philadelphia Shirt

Official Can’t Stop K1 Arizona Football Shirt

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I was going to write ever, but 12y is really the most that can be hoped for with them. The next one will be Trump, but with some semblance of etiquette so people quit paying attention. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if it were Ben Shapiro or someone exactly like him. Yep, it’s who comes after Trump that frightens me. Trump’s done enough damage while having the handicap of being a complete fucking tool. Imagine the next Republican nominee but with enough nous to not come across as a thoroughly hateful, moronic. We're only if we give up. America got lazy and complacent and allowed this shit to happen.Fire and brimstone raining down. BUY IT: Official Can’t Stop K1 Arizona Football Shirt

Top Certified Streaker Hosta Leaf Shirt

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I was asking myself today when people on the radio were talking about the constitutional crisis that would happen if he refused to leave if he lost, "Is this what people wanted when they voted for him? A constitutional crisis nearly every day?" It has been a long fucking nightmare. Does anyone remember the woman, I believe it was right after Trump was sworn in, just screaming on the sidewalk? I feel like she knew. We all did really, that this was going to be a shit show, but I don't think we knew how bad it would get. Needs to be a landslide to spank some awareness into enough republicans to go.Never feel the true sense of a freedom.  BUY IT: Top Certified Streaker Hosta Leaf Shirt

Pretty This Is How I Social Distance Jeping Shirt

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Some people have trouble being comfortable with gays. They have muscled their way into corrupt politics and represent the view of bigots in the American government system. Not that much different than what Putin does. It reminds me a lot of being in an abusive relationship. We’re numb to it right now because we are the boiling frogs. But should we be lucky enough to have a future, we will look back on this time and be astounded at how much bullshit we were accustomed to and putting up with. Can confirm, abuse isn't only a noun or a verb.Never feel the true sense of a freedom until the abuser is gone. Never feel the true sense of a freedom. BUY IT: Pretty This Is How I Social Distance Jeping Shirt

Premium Vote Blue Nami 2020 Shirt

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Have the President’s pick be only negotiated with the other party’s Senate members. And when the Senate refuses to provide their advice and consent to cull the list from 50 to 10? This is effectively what McConnell did to Obama for all of the district and appellate courts across the country. The question could be are there grounds to impeach any member of the SCOTUS if Democrats regain control? Not on basis of left/right views, but are there issues in which they could through the Constitution and the character of appointees? It is becomes ingrained and institutionalized. Never feel the true sense of a freedom until the abuser is gone.  BUY IT: Premium Vote Blue Nami 2020 Shirt

Official The Turner Tag Shirt

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We also need to demand that the whole process of supreme court nominations is reevaluated. Also, the representation of the minority class should not be the one that votes on the confirmation of judges. Hell, it was supposed to. The founders didn't imagine a nation running this long without significant change. Instead, we've got this. The check engine light has been on for centuries, and it's been flashing red for decades. And motherfuckers made it illegal to pop the hood. We can't have a system where a single term president can fill almost half the supreme court with lifetime judges. ut are there issues in which could through. BUY IT: Official The Turner Tag Shirt

Nice Twelve More Years Of President Trump 2020 Shirt

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The expense of not casting that vote is a thousand times greater than casting it. I hope a lot of people realize that before they are paying that price. I hope people realize that clean air, and clean water. and freedom and democracy will all be taken from us in the blink of an eye if they don't vote as if their lives depended on it. For many people, their lives actually do depend on it. That’s why Dems need to win back Congress (ie Senate). And the White House, so we can expand the courts and regain an ideological balance that actually can't have a system where judges get to pick who will choose their replacement rather than voters. BUY IT: Nice Twelve More Years Of President Trump 2020 Shirt

Cool Top 10 Rules Of Scorpio Birthday Shirt

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We're just inactive. That's what needs to change. We cannot take freedom for granted, we must be diligent and fight for it always. When we stop fighting for it, fascism creeps in. America needs to be repaired at its core level. voting laws, local gov't, policing, and most importantly education. The SCOTUS situation can be fixed, rather easily I think if Dems take control of the house & senate. It's not just complacency or apathy preventing the vote. In far too many places in this country, it is extremely difficult,  and expensive to cast a Democratic vote. Not that I disagree with your statement, just wanted to put a point on it.  BUY IT: Cool Top 10 Rules Of Scorpio Birthday Shirt

Hot The Golden Girls Abbey Road Signatures Shirt

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I hope - for everyone’s sake - that he is gone next January but I am being realistic about this election as well and acknowledging that he has a chance of winning - and that terrifies me... Hate to say it, but with the SCOTUS now firmly under right-wing control, even if he's not given the election, we're free. Pretty much expected my marriage to annulled by the court and a "Jim Crow but for the gays" to become law of the land thanks to Evangelicals. We're only fucked if we give up. America got lazy and complacent and allowed this shit to happen. We ARE the majority. They replaced biblical Jesus with “prosperity gospel fascist . BUY IT: Hot The Golden Girls Abbey Road Signatures Shirt

Colorful Merry Corona Christmas 2020 Shirt

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I used to be a Christian and I'm atheist now and even I WANT Jesus to return to burn these. I'm safe, cause my homie, flying spaghetti monster, has got me protected with his goodliness. What gave it away, the upside-down bible, the fact he cheated on every wife he had, the pornstar's abortion, the 24 accounts of alleged rape against him including pedophilia, the lies... All of this is basically just to appeal to his base. I don’t think Trump gives a damn about anything other than Trump and money. Maybe Ivanka - but that’s just creepy. Never feel the true sense of a freedom until the abuser is gone. . When we stop fighting for it. BUY IT: Colorful Merry Corona Christmas 2020 Shirt

Cute Reindeer With Face Mask Christmas Xmas Shirt

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All religious people will be excluded except the state-approved version of Christian fascism. If you’re a Christian who helps the poor and immigrants you’ll be excluded too. f this guy showed up offering to feed the poor with food stamps and heal the sick without insurance and flipping tables in the church over corruption and telling them to give their riches away, they would crucify him again as a hippy communist Antifa rioter. They already did that. They replaced biblical Jesus with “prosperity gospel fascist 2nd amendment Jesus.” I’m not even Christian and I really really want Jesus to return asap. Fire and brimstone raining down. BUY IT: Cute Reindeer With Face Mask Christmas Xmas Shirt

Cute This Is My Christmas Baseball Pajama Shirt

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He’s trying to stop pretty much all of America from being able to live their lives. If you’re LGBTQ, a person of color, married to or related to a person of color, any religious belief besides evangelical Christian. A woman, anyone who has a health condition or expects to have one at some point in their life. Anyone who is middle class or less, anyone who wants our nations children to have access to a good education and nutrition, anyone who wants a healthy environment so the planet can keep being viable for human life. Fire and a brimstone raining down on a Joel Osteen and every Fox News viewing fake Christian. Bring it, big a fella!  BUY IT: Cute This Is My Christmas Baseball Pajama Shirt

Funny Pennywise Donald Trump Make Floats Great Again Shirt

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I have to be careful in my official capacity about how I recommend training. And services to people because the government isn't supposed to endorse any specific product or service or PERSON. The SEALS have been the obnoxious and entitled frat boys of the special operations community for years now so this really doesn't surprise me. Trump’s actively trying to stop me from living my life. I’m a lesbian, and if I thought Trump was bad for LGBTQ rights these last few years. I shudder thinking about what will happen if he wins again. I wouldn't be so sure about christians being he has 4 more to set up a dictatorship it won't matter.  BUY IT: Funny Pennywise Donald Trump Make Floats Great Again Shirt

Top Santa With Face Mask Christmas 2020 Xmas Shirt

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We can return to a time when it was possible to go hours or even entire days without once thinking about what our president might be saying or doing. We can exhale. I’m with you. I’m just trying to live my life. This knucklehead stresses me out and has for the last 4 years. I can’t wait till I don’t have to see those lame ass flags flying from trucks and boats. As a former service member and current government employee this pissed me off to no end. I like how people can display that, but if I went to work with a black lives matter face covering, they'd have my ass healthy environment so the planet can keep being viable for human life.  BUY IT: Top Santa With Face Mask Christmas 2020 Xmas Shirt

Awesome Seager Smooth L.A. Baseball Shirt

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All that donor money isn't gonna do shit against this fascist mob. You've got to energize every other American. And sucking corporate teats and telling people they can only have some healthcare doesn't do the trick. And right wing brain rot is the bill coming due on shitty education and the cultural “we don’t give a shit about others” superiority. We can remove this awful man from our collective headspace, which he has so thoroughly befouled. We can reclaim our serenity, our equilibrium, our sense 0f common humanity. We drive around for my job and get reimbursed mileage.Once he has 4 more years to set up a dictatorship it won't matter. BUY IT: Awesome Seager Smooth L.A. Baseball Shirt

Nice Elephant Proud Democrat For Trump Shirt

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The other side to this is that that right-wing brain rot isn't just for the GOP. We got Trump not only because Republicans have primed their base to want scum, but also because the Democrats are in the pockets of corporations and don't serve the working class outside of only the occasional crumbs. The lack of something enticing on the left that isn't constantly apologizing for not being a Republican, and the ever increasing extremism of the right, led to the expected: apathy from the mainstream, and a surge of support from the extreme minority, propelled a tyrant into power. As is tradition, history tends to flying spaghetti monster. BUY IT: Nice Elephant Proud Democrat For Trump Shirt

Good Enjoying The Journey RV Pilot Camp Shirt

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I'm not sure who that would be but, I'm almost certain they will need to be even dumber than Trump. I'm convinced the thing his base loves most about him is that he is as dumb, pridefully ignorant, incurious. And hostile to any semblance of informed reasoning as they are, and still gets his way. Porn stars and be a belligerent moron asshole with not only impunity but with celebrity. That is their version of the second coming. Yeah, I hope we don't stop thinking about Trump when we're done. Beating Trump won't be good enough. The Democrats have to move left and stop running from policies that appeal to the voters and the ever increasing. BUY IT: Good Enjoying The Journey RV Pilot Camp Shirt

Grateful Pablito Toronto Shirt

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Basically taking an already cancerous script from the supreme leader's mouth. And amplifying and broadcasting it across the airwaves to the masses. Like I said, this is purely anecdotal, I have no stats or studies to back up this claim, its just what I as someone who personally considers themselves as someone who holds reason and logic at the top of all decision making shocking and really hard to ignore. Don't forget that Russia is still pushing for the complete collapse of democracies around the world. Trump is the puppet and Putin will still have his media, online trolls, black market money by the trillions.  We can exhale. BUY IT: Grateful Pablito Toronto Shirt

Lovely I Love Hole Shirt

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Fast forward a few months to years after that horrible election. And you see the same forms of communication between regular people at the office water cooler. You see it on internet comments on news and social media sites, you see it on every controversial subject discussion on Reddit, you hear it when you are at a bar with your friends. Hear it in damn online video games text and voice chats, and worst of all theres been an obvious proliferation of internet based entertainment. And content like Ben Shapiro and the new-age-Limbaugh's all making lucrative careers out of it. Trump is the puppet and Putin will still have his media. BUY IT: Lovely I Love Hole Shirt

Hot Nicole Franzel You Make Me Coconuts Shirt

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Here is a completely unrelated-to-politics at least to me, personal anecdote of what I see as a trend with only my own eye. But to me it seems in the last 4 years under this administration, the number of people who talk like Trump. Who argue and debate with the logical fallacies of Trump, who try to "win" discussion with appeal to primitive emotion like Trump, has skyrocketed in all aspects of normal life in America. When he won the election I was flabbergasted people took his form of speaking. And persuasion as fact and followed his words hand in hand.We need them to be better than they have been. AOC and Ro Khanna have been amazing.  BUY IT: Hot Nicole Franzel You Make Me Coconuts Shirt

Cute S.W Imposter Troopers Among Us Shirt

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It’s been a race to the right and the Republicans primed themselves for that race during the Reagan admin. And the Dems just haven’t been able to live far away enough from their donors to fight back well enough. I mean it’s a lot more complicated than that and I’m not saying it’s all the Dems fault. But if we’re to have any hope in moving away from fascism and right wing populism, we need them to be better than they have been. AOC and Ro Khanna have been amazing and I hope to see even more of them and Congress people like them. and worst of all theres been an obvious proliferation of internet based entertainment careers out of it. BUY IT: Cute S.W Imposter Troopers Among Us Shirt

Funny Some People Just Need A Pat On The Back Shirt

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They want to scroll social media, and watch Netflix and buy shit on Amazon without thinking too hard about people suffering. I get that there is such a thing as burnout. We are finite human beings, absolutely. Everybody has to steward their outrage/anger in a way that is both effective politically as well as healthy for them as an individual. Everybody’s capacity for giving a shit is different. But too many folks in this country have never given a single shit until it was impossible for them to ignore in 2016, and we cannot return to that. We can’t pretend like this didn’t happen, or we will be right back where we are now, but worse.  BUY IT: Funny Some People Just Need A Pat On The Back Shirt

Pretty Wake Pray Do Hair All Day The Hairstylist Floral Shirt

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I remember seeing a photo of somebody with a protest sign that said “if Hillary had won. I would be at brunch” or some. I understand that they were just trying to make a quippy protest sign. But I have never wanted to strangle somebody through the computer so badly in my life. That attitude right there is a contributing factor in our current situation. Too many people want to go back to not worrying about politics. They want to be at brunch instead of a protest. They want to go to Thanksgiving without a political discussion happening. We need them to be better than they have been. AOC and Ro Khanna have been amazing.,but worse.  BUY IT: Pretty Wake Pray Do Hair All Day The Hairstylist Floral Shirt

Grateful Be Strong And Pray For A Cure Faith It Till You Make It Flower Shirt

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Well that's the thing with cult of personality, it's difficult to repeat. It's not so easy as just next-man-up. Also, this is why it's important to prosecute Trump's crimes. That's quite a deterrent for anyone that might want to follow in his footsteps, breaking the illusion of perpetual impunity. Let's actually not ever forget Trump. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Instead of trying to put Trump behind us, let's recognize that he's the culmination of 40+ years of conservative and use this opportunity to build a new society that is does more than just get back to lucrative careers out of it. BUY IT: Grateful Be Strong And Pray For A Cure Faith It Till You Make It Flower Shirt

Colorful Sunflower Hippie Heart Gypsy Soul Shirt

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I honestly believe it’s more art than science . I think the Romneys, Ted Cruz and Rand Pauls of the world will shift their rhetoric to a more trumpian place , but they won’t get away with everything like Trump. Can the republicans spit off into a few more parties? Would make it much easier for those republicans who hate Trump. It’s not just that tho. This is a reaction to decades of neoliberal policy and crushing inequality. People on the left have some of the same fears, they just are progressives instead of full fledged reactionary stains. Thank you for saying this. or we will be right back where we are now, but worse.  BUY IT: Colorful Sunflower Hippie Heart Gypsy Soul Shirt

Top Scranton Pa USA Where Souls Aren't Sold Biden Harris Shirt

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I didn't think you would ever vote for a republican again after W. I hold hope that the rubes are as easily entranced in a different direction. The tremendous amount of rubes you have is in my opinion your main problem. You put too much stock in what the organizers, be they companies or the rich, can do over pragmatists. Job number one is bringing education to the lowlands. Become somehow, the country you should be. I say somehow because I have zero faith that they'd actually accept it without being tricked. I don’t know about that. Trump has some weird Charles Manson energy that I think it would be difficult to replicate. BUY IT: Top Scranton Pa USA Where Souls Aren't Sold Biden Harris Shirt

Nice Scranton The Electric City Biden Harris Shirt

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That only happens if the rebuke against Trump on Nov 3 isn’t overwhelmingly decisive. If there is a decisive rebuke against Trump, then he will be relegated to being a cautionary tale. And anyone who attempts to rally his base again will be rebuked just the same. Yeah, honestly, I think a Cruz presidency wouldn't have been much different. This is just what the Republican party is. GOP has done generational damage to their chances to win over those in the 20 to 40 demo. They will need to start running to the left eventually. I'm extremely negative about America right now. I'm not American.I think it would be difficult to replicate. BUY IT: Nice Scranton The Electric City Biden Harris Shirt

Official Qb1 Miami Football Shirt

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Because demographics in that coalition have nowhere else to go. The Democrats are funded by Wall Street. And Silicon Valley and are only culturally liberal. Which is precisely why we must never forget about him and his supporters. Look what's already happening with the US opinion of W. We all need to remember this, and well, or we'll get someone worse in no time. I'm looking forward to him not being in charge, but we cannot let off the forward pressure even a bit just because he's no longer irritating the out of us.  Don't let your guard down once this particular symptom abates, because the disease is still ravaging our system.  BUY IT: Official Qb1 Miami Football Shirt

Awesome Crayon 2020 Shirt

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The problem with having a wide coalition in American politics is that you start promising. Everything to everyone instead of picking a few popular policies with wide appeal to run on. This is why most of the democrats have been largely avoiding the topic of policy altogether. And are instead trying to boost their credentials, convince us of their empathy and talking about problems without offering specific solutions. Only a strong condemnation of how the Republicans deal with it and a vague claim that they can solve the problems better. Yes, exactly! This is the new normal for Republicans. Because the disease is still ravaging. BUY IT: Awesome Crayon 2020 Shirt

Good Do You Believe In Me Shirt

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Yep, as a non-American I wanted to say to everyone here: right wing populism is gaining momentum in many other parts of the globe, especially in areas where we typically have comfortable centrist presidents, and even if you kick out Trump there’s still a lot of fighting to be done across the pond as well. The world could use a lot more proper left wing figures right now, not just rich upper-class centrists with vested interests in corporations + who have no idea how to listen to the working class. But of course it’ll be easier to do this if we start by dethroning current right wingers like holding the same disgusting beliefs.  BUY IT: Good Do You Believe In Me Shirt

Colorful Hippie Guitar Kiss Me I'm Highrish Shirt

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You might see a 'Real Republican Party' or a more powerful Tea Party come out of this. As a foreign observer, I get a sense that a lot of moderate republicans are anti-democrat at heart. They might vote democrat this election as a protest against Trump. But they're not about to drop their ideals any time soon, if ever. My worry if that happens is that the remaining non-insane Republicans will flee to the Democrats. Complete its transformation into a center-right, and push the left completely out. Marine Le Pen, daughter of the bombastic leader of a far right party, who toned down her dad's messaging for more mainstream appeal. BUY IT: Colorful Hippie Guitar Kiss Me I'm Highrish Shirt