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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2020

Lovely Sandals Crocin Around The Christmas Tree Shirt

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So I'm not saying it's not. It's an issue and I'm not saying it's not. However, as I read through some of these posts, I.  See discussions about why these voters can't see x, y, or z. I believe it disappoints the majority of these people on reddit (myself included), or at the very least this subreddit (or at the very least this thread) because most of us are community based thinkers. How could you not vote to help your fellow American in need? It's because America is built on individualist thinking and not a community based one. We attempt to build what we need, such schools and roads, but sometimes Americans aren't willing to chip in to go further for thing. BUY IT: Lovely Sandals Crocin Around The Christmas Tree Shirt

Hot Child Of God Woman Of Faith Wife Of A Veteran American Flag Shirt

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Only when they feel that that regime didn't keep their promises or a shift in focus to a more an.  Dire cause is needed, such as war, famine, recession, or a pandemic, that they are willing to shift their vote. However, while Democratic policies work to fix those issues, when they are fixed, the individual voter is more likely to shift their vote back to the one that doesn't "interfere" with their lives than the other way around. It's also likely true that some of those Trump voters were actually Trump supporters and are secretly or not secretly racist and misogynistic, bought into what the media market picks and chooses or. This disillusionment is happening. BUY IT: Hot Child Of God Woman Of Faith Wife Of A Veteran American Flag Shirt

Good Quality In Dog Years I'm Dead Shirt

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Responsibility/accountability, yada yada..) it is better voting for the. Closest thing than to vote for Biden who would be considered against their beliefs. From my perspective, I have to hope that the majority of those voters are submitting a vote for Republican and not a vote for Trump. It's been a fact throughout time that rural citizens (e.g. farmers) don't care about who's on top, whether it be a president or a king. They only care about how that government affects them and only them, so they choose the one that offers lower taxes and free enterprise. They choose the one that supports gun rights and the one that decided politicize religion. It typically. BUY IT: Good Quality In Dog Years I'm Dead Shirt

Pro Mom My Mind Still Talks To You My Heart Still Looks For You My Soul Know You Are At Peace Shirt

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Tend to be obsessive sports fans. They will.  Talk statistics, fantasy football, favorite moments for hours. They will plan an entire day around a game. They want to belong to a group. The media has started calling them nations, and they truly are. This is one predictor for potential recruits into Trump's cult. Try this test at home. Are the biggest sports fans also the biggest Trump fans? Outside perspective. Donald Trump is the head of a political party whose ideals about half of his country supports. He may not represent those ideals perfectly, but for people who believe the core values of the Republican Party (pick yourself up by your bootstraps, persona. BUY IT: Pro Mom My Mind Still Talks To You My Heart Still Looks For You My Soul Know You Are At Peace Shirt

Cool Pontoon Captain Like A Regular Captain Only Cooler Shirt

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Into society.  The dark reality of this is that it has shown, clear as crystal, that racism in America was never dying; it was simply suppressed and Donald Trump just opened that lid and threw it so far away that it is going to be a long time until someone finds it again. Frankly, every election should be this close. For this reason? No. Does someone in a city understand the point of view of someone in a desert suburb? Probably not. Have you been to the mountains of Appalachia? Have you stood over Hudson river? Have you lost the horizon the expanse of the Great plains, or the Rocky's, or the Pacific? My sister made an great observation. Trump supporters also. BUY IT: Cool Pontoon Captain Like A Regular Captain Only Cooler Shirt

Top Live Thru The Ditches And Laugh Thru The Witches And Love In The Back Of My Dragula Shirt

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A left leaning state, openly politicizing a possible vaccine for covid 19, and injecting more politics into sports by rambling about their ratings and giving the players shit because they dare kneel in protest due to an unjust murder. He turned the whole system into a team sport and people who joined "his side" want to support him no matter what; just as they would a football team no matter bad they have done for years. A lot of people who support Trump see it this way and they will actively ignore the man's past and present troubles just to prop him up. The other side of this is that he has enabled a dark underbelly of social and racial views to creep i way. BUY IT: Top Live Thru The Ditches And Laugh Thru The Witches And Love In The Back Of My Dragula Shirt

Perfect Jolly SXS Riders Nuthouse Christmas Shirt

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Are as obvious as the pickup trucks with giant US flags driving around. That to me is the sickening thing that this election brought out. The closet racists that obviously exist (69 million so far tallied voted to re-elect 45). Are they all uneducated tobacco chewing rednecks? NO. They are everywhere, folks are proud of their confederate ancestors. I have heard it many times! Most of those folks are “good christian “ folks too. Why are there still predominantly white churches and predominantly black churches? Trump brought politics to a new audience by politicizing everything he could. Wanting to withhold funds to help California deal with fires.  Because it. BUY IT: Perfect Jolly SXS Riders Nuthouse Christmas Shirt

Funny Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Beardless Peasants Shirt

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The capital of the confederacy. I’m reminded every day of the racists that live on my street my community. The vote tally nationwide is sickening. Last year traveling through Michigan I saw confederate flags! I thought what “heritage not hate” philosophy is that in Michigan. Virginia is just this year began removing statues in Richmond of confederate generals. A street, monument avenue where they are/were. The statues put there mostly by the “daughters of the confederacy” (yes an actual organization with their HQ in Richmond). Originally monument avenue was the dividing line whites on one side blacks on the other way. Racist folks all around not all of theme. BUY IT: Funny Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Beardless Peasants Shirt

Cute Patriotic American Flag Santa Claus Chimney Christmas Shirt

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That were suddenly terrified that protesters were going to come burn down their small town that you couldn't even find on a map. Media turned protests that were largely peaceful, and vital to the progress of our country, into some primetime fear mongering. I'm worried about someone smarter than Trump realizing the potential in this kind of hate and capitalizing on it in similar fashion. Really need some new blood in American politics, hell, everywhere, since there is so much hate, yet things are better than they ever have been in the world. Baffling, and we need to try to change the mind of.Those that carry such indignation. I live in Virginia. 50 miles from. BUY IT: Cute Patriotic American Flag Santa Claus Chimney Christmas Shirt

Wonderful Merry Whatever Christmas Shirt

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Employees and their families.So while I walked with BLM, hate police brutality and violence, detest war, support people’s rights over their bodies and their right to decide whether or not to use drugs, love all of mankind and womankind, employ minorities, AM a minority, use solar energy, drive an EV, and generally looks for ways to do good for other people everywhere I go, I support politicians who won’t get in my way to allow me to do the best I can. Honestly the BLM protests, or more specifically how they were covered by the media, ended up being biggest contribution. To Trump votes in my circle of the country. I have family that lives in the mid a nowhere. BUY IT: Wonderful Merry Whatever Christmas Shirt

Luxury Life Is Better With My Frenchie Car Funny Shirt

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It The reason is not because of racial politics but that the alternative to Republicans is unpalatable to so many. Personally, I am a minority, have been assaulted, harassed and bullied due to my ethnicity for most of my life. Now I am a business owner with 27 employees. When I am affected new policies pushed by democrats that directly knocks down my ability to do better for myself and my kids and also knocks down my ability to elevate my employees with higher compensation that they very much deserve, it hurts me and makes me very upset. So.I vote for people who I think will oppose those types of policies that are harmful to me, my business, my family, my em. BUY IT: Luxury Life Is Better With My Frenchie Car Funny Shirt

Premium Pug Santa Ugly Merry Christmas Tree Shirt

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This mofugga didnt even believe in SCIENCE?? Almost half the population supported a person to lead our country who doesn't believe scientists. Meaning those supporters themselves a) also don't believe scientists or b) do believe in science but think its not a big deal that the leader of the free world doesn't. No other way to go about it really. Half of the voting population in the United States is at least stupid, possibly worse. And to anyone who says he just puts on a show about not trusting doctors science a get votes that.Means you believe its acceptable for the leader of the free world do say such nonsense publicly  personal gain which make you guessed. BUY IT: Premium Pug Santa Ugly Merry Christmas Tree Shirt

Sweet What Is Good For Your Soul Do That Shirt

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Places, and traditional Republicans aren’t willing to switch their votes over to the Democrats because they don’t agree with their policies. I think there are many people who dislike Trump but still can’t bring themselves to check the box for a blue candidate. It also shows that the public no longer cares about democracy as much as they care about people getting things done. They have the impression that Trump is an outsider from beyond the political establishment who will walk over people to force thing. Through - an attractive quality when politics is so stymied by multiple tiers of representatives, overly long debates and needing please everyone.How about. BUY IT: Sweet What Is Good For Your Soul Do That Shirt

Pretty Merry Christmas Santa Claus Labrador Retriever Dogs Shirt

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Were disappointing. But if Biden wins the White House, we should stop sounding like we lost. I was planning a holiday to the US 5 years ago. When Trump won I delayed it out of caution. As I watched his presidency spew hate and lies I decided to delay it until he was inevitably voted out. Now with Joe Biden on the verge of becoming president I considered it again. But I wont go there. Ever. Half of that countries people voted for what I see as evil. I dont want to be anywhere near. Those people. Ever. I think this might be an instance where a two party system really shows it’s flaws. You’ve got a guy / wing of the party, in total control,dragging it into dark. BUY IT: Pretty Merry Christmas Santa Claus Labrador Retriever Dogs Shirt

Happy Santa’s Favorite 1st Grade Teacher Christmas Shirt

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That's extremely successful but wasn't adopted by the FF because of the British. Hell, they could even split off a less extreme Conservative party at this point. Democrats need to stop crying. Trump has had 40-45% approval his entire term. Did we really think the entire nation would rise up in unison to denounce him? That was always a pipe dream. We should be glad about some positives and look to build on them: Georgia and Arizona are on the verge going blue.  We continue to make gains with voters in the suburbs (primarily women), and despite GOP suppression tactics we saw record turnout. We have lots of work to do to defeat Trumpism, and our results Congres. BUY IT: Happy Santa’s Favorite 1st Grade Teacher Christmas Shirt

Funny Biden 46 Harris 47 46th President Election 2020 Shirt

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(Big assumption, I'm still really nervous), we ditch the national security threat while still having this stark wake up call that these people are still gonna be here tomorrow. I've always wondered how the Roman empire could have collapsed. They achieved so much, built roads all across Europe, had a modern political system and yet disappeared within decades. Now I start to see how a civilization can crumble from the inside by being.  Too complacent. Progressives in the US need to make their own party so there's a third party that can check the others, while also supporting the minority party to fight against the current.. oh wait, that's a parliament systems. BUY IT: Funny Biden 46 Harris 47 46th President Election 2020 Shirt

Good Don’t Blame Me I Voted For Trump Stars Election Shirt

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Let these movements gain as much traction as they have already been allowed to. It's simply not in the interest of a stable society, it's a concession we as a society have to make in order for things to function properly and you can tout the free speech line all you want, but fascist speech is hate speech and hate speech isn't covered by that. We as a species decided this after World. It's been established. End of discussion. If Biden wins narrowly, that's best case scenario. Hear me out. If we got this blue wave that so many were claiming, the overall narrative would be "Trump was an anomoly, things aren't really that bad." Assuming Biden holds on and winsa. BUY IT: Good Don’t Blame Me I Voted For Trump Stars Election Shirt

Official Biden 46 Joe Biden Elected 46th President Election 2020 Vintage Shirt

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But fascist speech is hate speech and hate speech isn't covered by that. We as a species decided this after World War 2. It's been established. End of discussion. This is what capitalism always leads to, it's inherently authoritarian, the big movers will always support authoritarian organizations and the most authoritarian are fascists, despite the rhetoric, but that's just another. Tool in the fascist playbook. Rhetoric is just a tool to them to achieve power and since it doesn't matter to them what they say, what regular normal anti-fascist people then say won't matter to them either. That's why it's important to be educated on these matters and to not eve. BUY IT: Official Biden 46 Joe Biden Elected 46th President Election 2020 Vintage Shirt

Top Bye 2020 Hello 2021 New Years Heart Music Note Shirt

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Authoritarian organizations and the most authoritarian are fascists, despite the rhetoric, but that's just another tool in the fascist playbook. Rhetoric is just a tool to them to achieve power and since it doesn't matter to them what they say, what regular normal anti-fascist people then say won't matter to them either. That's why it's important to educated.  On these matters and to not even let these movements gain as much traction as they have already been allowed to. It's simply not in the interest of a stable society, it's a concession we as a society have to make in order for things to function properly and you can tout the free speech line an you want. BUY IT: Top Bye 2020 Hello 2021 New Years Heart Music Note Shirt

Hot Alabama Colorful Orange Yellow 70s Style Retro Shirt

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Racism in the country is a reality, it seems unbelievable but in some places it’s preached from the pulpit. For the Democrats to make political headway they are going to have to come up with a better way to handle guns in the country. We have to have reasonable gun control since we can’t eliminate hatred and violence. You have remember. That most of these people voted for Obama. The real problem is that everyone is fucking going nuts for change but the DNC leadership, who spiked Bernie's campaign twice, is really responsible for stymying the people's will. This is what capitalism always leads to, it's inherently authoritarian, the  movers will always support. BUY IT: Hot Alabama Colorful Orange Yellow 70s Style Retro Shirt

Good Adios Trump 45 American Flag Election 2020 Shirt

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Their vote does represent these things, but the few trump voters i've talked to literally hate the guy's guts, but these people tend to be single issue voters and see trump as a means to an end for that single issue (taxes, abortion, or immigration tend to be those single issues) argument that their vote enables a.  Government that actively hurts me and my family falls on deaf ears because at the end of the day these people are selfish and can't fathom a world where we do what's right for the good of the nation, but maybe that's the kind of mentality we need to work against. fox definitely enables that mindset, but that mindset will exists long after of gone. BUY IT: Good Adios Trump 45 American Flag Election 2020 Shirt

Nice Alaskan Malamute Dog American Flag Sunglasses Ribbon Shirt

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They hate. I haven't looked anywhere else, but in Texas the exit polls show that 25% of the voters were 65+. For comparison, in 2016 the exit polls showed that 15% of texas voters were 65+. The proportion of voters under 30 actually dropped despite the huge increase in voter registration  come. (From 18% 18-29 voters in 2016 to 15% 18-29 voters in 2020). we shouldn't hide the truth about where we are at as a country, but if you hope to open a more conservative person's eyes you need to start with common ground. implying anything about how that person aligns themselves with owning slaves or beating up LGBTQ people instantly shuts them off to what you have too. BUY IT: Nice Alaskan Malamute Dog American Flag Sunglasses Ribbon Shirt

Nice I’m Speaking Vice President Kamala Harris Vintage Shirt

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To get them locked and loaded to rebel against any accurate vote count. He told them they should be outraged at how the left treated dear leader this past four years and that everything bad is attributed to the left and they can’t let them steal this election. Buckle up. Voters who wanted Trump to stay in power certaily cannot tell fact from fiction. How so many live in a world with only people who look like themselves, think they are patriotic (more like m moronic), and who think an honest count of our ballots is a hoax (so sick of that fallacy) is disappointing. What happened to education, kindness, logic, and accepting one another?They don't even know why. BUY IT: Nice I’m Speaking Vice President Kamala Harris Vintage Shirt

Hot Don’t Even Ask I Can’t It’s Tax Season My Life Will Resume After April Vintage Shirt

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Fort to sacrifice his time and endure unprecedented hardship to serve the country we love. ESPECIALLY after 8 years of a president who was just so bewildering to me--how did our nation possibly elect a man whose world-view is "America needs to taken. Down a peg or two"? When I awoke yesterday morning and saw How many people voted for the least qualified human for the job of leader of the free world I cracked. I canceled all plans and could speak to no one as I struggled to reconcile why such a thing could happen in light of the past 4 years of proof. It left me in the worst rage of my life. Fox has blood on its hands. Last night I saw hannity stoking the zom. BUY IT: Hot Don’t Even Ask I Can’t It’s Tax Season My Life Will Resume After April Vintage Shirt

Official Joe Biden Kamala Harris 2020 Election Democrat Liberal Shirt

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Broadcasting over local television that Biden is gonna take their guns, their kids, and that the streets will run red with the blood of aborted fetuses. There is no free will. Given a persons genetics and environments you. Would do what they do. These people are poor with little education and watch Fox News. You would do what they would do. To say anything else is to put your life in their body. Republicans want it this way. It’s our job to look after these vulnerable people and educate them. I'm editing this so I can answer ChiAndrew below, because I'm not waiting around here for 10 minutes. I'm MOST proud of a president who gave up a life of wealth and com. BUY IT: Official Joe Biden Kamala Harris 2020 Election Democrat Liberal Shirt

Official Support Your Local Heathen Shirt

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Swamp and get rid if career politicians. I am not saying this is right just stating what I was told by people that voted for him. Ok go This is the reality that should have been coped with since. 2016 instead of Russia-gating for four straight years pretending putin did this instead of Americans. Now we need to try to understand our countrymen and why they do quickly fall for fear based tactics this. On the other side, there are people who vote for TAXES alone. Or, they vote on abortion alone. They don't care about the environment, because they were educated differently. Or, they don't care about taxes because they were raised religiously and someone has bee. BUY IT: Official Support Your Local Heathen Shirt

Good Trombonist My Trombone Is Calling And I Must Go Shirt

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However, this election, with the highest turnout in a century, has completely shattered that illusion. Everyone is now waking up to the realization that the US actually. Filled with absolutely terrible people on a 1:1 ratio. This is the death kneel for the US's soft power and one more nail in the coffin for the superpower status of the US. This is what I was told by a Trump supporter. Please don’t shoot the messager. The reason they vited for Trymp before was because he was not a career politician. He had his own money therefore he didn’t need ours. Not that this turned out right for the voters that chose him. They still think he can drain as they call a the. BUY IT: Good Trombonist My Trombone Is Calling And I Must Go Shirt

Good You’re A Mean One Mr Rich Shirt

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How democracies were lost to dictatorship since the dawn of man, by an ignorant herd. I've known about this America since 2010 when I joined. An American gaming community and saw just how backward some people actually are. In 2016 the big cities came to realize the existence of this America after laughing away those who tries to warn them about it. 4 years later, and the world woke up on the 4th of November to discover this America. For decades, people have loved the US's culture and it's people, blaming the ill actions of the US government on the government alone. This view was especially prevalent in the middle east and a testament to the US's soft powered. BUY IT: Good You’re A Mean One Mr Rich Shirt

Nice Snopy When All Else Fails Turn Up The Music And Dance With Your Friends Shirt

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How? Grow the voting bloc around a publicly-sourced canonical list of pursuable goals gleaned from the discussion. Am. Also still shocked how Trump is getting lots of votes after all what he fckin did in the past 4 years, he literally lied thousands of times, he even lied in his fanbase faces about mexico paying for the wall, yet they still believe hes the savior sent by god to save America? The hypocrisy or stupidity in claiming a person who grab them by the pussy as a savior sent by god is just so mind blowing. But after all, never underestimate the power of a united ignorant herd, they can yield a very dangerous power that overcome democracy. That basical. BUY IT: Nice Snopy When All Else Fails Turn Up The Music And Dance With Your Friends Shirt